Heat Class 7 Case Study Questions Science Chapter 3

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Last Updated on February 21, 2025 by XAM CONTENT

Hello students, we are providing case study questions for class 7 science. Case study questions are the new question format that is introduced in CBSE board. The resources for case study questions are very less. So, to help students we have created chapterwise case study questions for class 7 science. In this article, you will find case study questions for cbse class 7 science chapter 3 Heat.

Type of QuestionsCase Study Questions
Nature of QuestionsCompetency Based Questions
Useful forClass 7 Studying Students
Answers providedYes
Difficulty levelMentioned
Important LinkClass 7 Science Chapterwise Case Study

Case Study Questions on Heat


Vinay with a group of adventurous friends, went to river rafting in Manal in winters. There the tented accommodations on the river bank .He noticed that at every camping site the basic element of all the tents was a long, narrow strip of heavy black cotton. Every tent had a room heater, the travellers were advised to place room heaters at the ground level for effective heating. At night it was chilling so, bonfire was arranged by the camp owner for the travellers to provide warmth in open cool spaces. When Vinay was sitting beside a campfire, his body facing the fire got hot while the side facing away from the fire stays cold.

Q.1. Which of the following is a method of heat transfer?
(a) Convection
(b) Radiation
(c) Conduction
(d) All of the mentioned

Difficulty Level: Easy

Ans. Option (d) is correct
Explanation: There are three ways in which heat can flow from one object to another. These are conduction, convection and radiation.

Q.2. Why Vinay’s body facing the fire got hot while the side facing away from the fire stays cold because of:
(a) The transfer of heat by convection
(b) The transfer of heat by radiation
(c) The transfer of heat by conduction
(d) All of the above

Difficulty Level: Difficult

Ans. Option (b) is correct.
Explanation: When Vinay sits near a bonfire, the heat gets radiated. The transfer of heat by radiation does not require any medium, heat transmission by radiation can occur between two bodies this is the reason why Vinay’s body facing the fire got hot.

Q.3. If heater is placed at a height, then:
(a) cold air above this height will not be heated by heater
(b) the hot air comes down to get heat from heater
(c) cold air below this height will not be heated by heater
(d) cold air rises up in the room to get heated.

Difficulty Level: Difficult

Ans. Option (c) is correct.
Explanation: A heater makes a room warmer by convection currents this allows the hot air near the heater to rise up and warm the entire room and the cold air comes down to get heat from heater. If heater is placed at a height, then cold air below this height will not be heated by heater therefore, the entire room will not warm up.

Q.4. Why all tents are black in colour at the campsite.

Difficulty Level: Medium

Ans. Black colour is a good absorber of heat. As the weather in Manali is cold so, to absorb maximum sunlight to keep the tent hot, the tents are made up of black fabric.

Q.5. Why white colour fabric tent is preferred on in a hot weather place and why?

Difficulty Level: Medium

Ans. White fabric is preferred in a hot weather place because light colours are bad absorber of heat as they reflect most of the heat (sunlight) that falls on them therefore, this helps to keep the tent cool.

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Topics from which case study questions may be asked

  • Identify cold and hot objects.
  • Define temperature.
  • Describe how temperature can be measured using thermometer.
  • Describe different types of thermometers.
  • Explain different ways of heat transfer.
  • Explain how woolen clothes keep us warm.

Temperature is a reliable measure of the hotness or coldness of an object. The object is how much hot or cold is decided based on its temperature.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Heat Case Study Questions

Q1: What are case study questions for CBSE examinations?

A1: Case study questions in CBSE examinations typically involve scenarios or real-life examples, requiring students to apply their understanding of concepts to solve problems or analyze situations.

Q2: Why are case study questions important for understanding class 7 science chapters?

A2: Case study questions provide a practical context for students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations, fostering deeper understanding and critical thinking skills.

Q3: How should students approach answering case study questions for CBSE?

A3: Students should carefully read the case study, identify the key issues or problems presented, analyze the information provided, apply relevant concepts and principles of plant nutrition, and formulate well-supported solutions or responses.

Q4: Are there any resources available online for students to practice case study questions on class 7 science chapters for CBSE exams?

A4: Yes, several educational websites offer case study questions for CBSE students preparing for science examinations. We also offer a collection of case study questions for all classes and subject on our website. Visit our website to access these questions and enhance your learning experience.

Q5: How can students effectively prepare for case study questions on heat for CBSE exams?

A5: Effective preparation strategies include regular revision of concepts, solving practice questions, analyzing case studies from previous exams, seeking clarification on doubts, and consulting with teachers or peers for guidance and support.

Q6: How can teachers incorporate case study questions on heat class 7 science into classroom teaching?

A6: Teachers can integrate case studies into lesson plans, group discussions, or interactive activities to engage students in active learning, promote problem-solving skills, and facilitate a deeper understanding of concepts of heat.

Q7: What is land breeze?

A7: The breeze that flows from land surface to sea surface, during night is called land breeze.

Q8: State two similarities between laboratory thermometer and clinical thermometers.

A8: Both the thermometers are used to measure temperature and both of them use mercury.

Q9: Why bottom of cooking utensils is often blackened?

A9: The black objects are very good absorber of radiant energy and so when the bottoms black painted bottom of cooking utensils are exposed to flame, they absorb the heat quickly thus, this speeds up the cooking process.

Q10: Define radiation with an example.

A10: Radiation is the transfer of heat without any medium. For example, heat from the sun comes to us.

Heat Class 7 Case Study Questions Science Chapter 3

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