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Here you will find revision notes for CBSE Class 8 Social Science History Chapter 1 How, When and Where. It is a part of Revision Notes for CBSE Class 8 Social Science Series.
CBSE | Class 8 History |
Useful for | Class 8 Students |
Subject | Social Science – History |
Chapter | How, When and Where |
Type | Revision Notes |
Covers | Notes Important Keywords Important Dates |
[PDF] Download How, When and Where Class 8 Revision Notes CBSE History Chapter 1
- History is nothing but recording the changes that occur over time. Hence, from the time immemorial, history has always been associated with dates. Dates form an important part of history.
- However, over time, this notion of history being invariably associated with dates, has changed. Certain events cannot be traced back to a certain date. They occur gradually with the passage of time.
- In 1817, James Mill, a Scottish economist and political philosopher, published a massive three-volume work-A History of British India, where he divided Indian history into three periods-Hindu, Muslim and British.
- However, there were certain problems with his demarcation of Indian history. Other than the fact of his representing history in a subjective way, Mill basically divided Indian history on the basis of the faith of the ruler at a time when various religions co-existed happily.
- Certain changes have come about in the way of representing history in the modern era. Nowadays, historians deal with issues like the livelihood of people and the evolution of culture and civilisation rather than fixing dates of the birth and death of kings, rulers and leaders.
- In this book, we will find out the ways and methods of the British in colonising India.
- The British felt the need of writing down and preserving every important document and thus built record rooms in all important administrative institutions.
- In the early years of the nineteenth century, these documents were carefully copied out and beautifully written by calligraphists.
- In due course of time, the practice of surveying also became common under the colonial administration. The British believed that a country had to be properly known before it could be administered effectively.
- However, one must remember that this vast corpus of archived information only gives us an official account of various events. For getting a real picture of things, unofficial account of the diaries of people, narratives of pilgrims and autobiographies of important personalities need to be looked upon.
Also read: How, When and Where Class 8 Assertion Reason Questions with Answers
Important Keywords
- Synonymous (adj.): having the same meaning.
- Criteria (noun): Something that is used as a reason for making a judgement or decision. Origin: borrowed from Greek Kriterion.
- Debate (noun): A discussion between people in which different opinions are expressed. Origin: from Anglo French debatre.
- Ancient (adj.): Very old. Origin Middle English ancient.
- Medieval (adj.): Relating to the Middle Ages. Origin: New Latin medium aevum.
- Modern (adj.): Of or relating to the present time or recent past. Origin: Late Latin modernus.
- Historians: Scholars who write histories.
- Stretch of Time: Duration, period.
- Colonial Periods: Associated with domination of the British, French, and Portuguese, where people did not have equality, freedom, and liberty.
- Calligraphists (noun): A person who practises calligraphy. Origin: French calligraphie
- Economist (noun.) A person who studies or specialises in economics. Origin: unknown.
- Taboos (adj.): Something that is banned on grounds of morality. Origin: Tongan tabu.
- Subjugation (verb.) To defeat or gain control of something by force. Origin: Middle English, from Latin subjugatus.
- Survey: The act of examining and recording the measurements, features, etc. to an area of land to prepare a map or plan for it.
- Archives: A place where historical documents or records of a government, an organisation, etc. are stored.
- Topography (noun.): The features which include the terrain in an area of land. Origin: Middle English topographie.
Important Dates
- 1773 : Warren Hastings became the first Governor General of India
- 1782 : The painting of James Rennel of the Brahmans offering the Shastras to Britannia was published
- 1817 : James Mill divided Indian history into three periods
- 1920 : The National Archives of India was set up in 1920
We hope the given revision notes for How, When and Where helps you in your learning.
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