Tissues Class 9 Case Study Questions Science Chapter 6

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Last Updated on September 1, 2024 by XAM CONTENT

Hello students, we are providing case study questions for class 9 science. Case study questions are the new question format that is introduced in CBSE board. The resources for case study questions are very less. So, to help students we have created chapterwise case study questions for class 9 science. In this article, you will find case study questions for cbse class 9 science chapter 6 Tissues.

Type of QuestionsCase Study Questions
Nature of QuestionsCompetency Based Questions
ThemeThe World of the Living
Useful forClass 9 Studying Students
Answers providedYes
Difficulty levelMentioned
Important LinkClass 9 Science Chapterwise Case Study

Case Study Questions on Tissues


Question 1:

Epithelial tissue or epithelium forms the outer covering of the skin and also lines the body cavity. It forms the lining of respiratory, digestive, reproductive and excretory tracts. They perform various functions such as absorption, protection, sensation and secretion. Epithelial tissue cells are tightly packed and form a continuous sheet. They have only a small amount of cementing material between them and almost no intercellular spaces. Epithelial cells may be squamous, cuboidal or columnar in shape and may be arranged in single or multiple layers.

Read the given passage carefully and give the answer of the following questions:

Q 1. Name the tissue present under the skin and arranged in a pattern of layers.

Difficulty Level: Easy

Q 2. Name any one location in our body which bears ciliated epithelium.

Difficulty Level: Medium

Q 3. Name the epithelial tissue which has pillar-like tall cells.

Difficulty Level: Medium

Q 4. State how the epithelium is separated from the underlying tissue.

Difficulty Level: Medium

Q 5. Write a short note on epithelial tissue cells.

Difficulty Level: Medium


  1. Stratified squamous epithelium
  2. Respiratory tract
  3. Columnar epithelium
  4. Epithelium is separated from underlying tissue by an extracellular fibrous basement membrane.
  5. Epithelial tissue cells are tightly packed and forms a continuous sheet. They have no intercellular spaces.

Also check

Case study questions for other chapters of class 9 science is given below.

We hope the given case study questions for Tissues Class 9 helps you in your learning.

Helpful Links for CBSE Class 9 Science Preparation

Topics from which case study questions may be asked

  • Tissues
  • Organs, Organ System and Organism
  • Structure and functions of animal and plant tissues (only four types of tissues in animals)
  • Meristematic and Permanent tissues in plants

The chapter “The Fundamental Unit of Life” in CBSE Class 9 deals with the structure and function of animal and plant tissues.

A group of cells that are similar in structure, arranged and designed to give the highest possible efficiency of function at a definite place in the body, e.g., blood, phloem and muscles.

In unicellular organisms like Amoeba, single cell performs all basic functions whereas in multicellular organisms like plants and animals, division of labour is seen, i.e., each specialised function is taken up by a different group of cells (tissues).

Study of tissues is called Histology.

For further practice on case study questions related to Tissues Class 9 Science, we recommend exploring the link given below.


Useful forCBSE Class 9 Students
Type of QuestionsMCQs
No. of Questions40
SolutionsInstant Solutions after Completion of Quiz
Quiz LinkClick here to Take Test

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Tissues Class 9 Case Study Questions Science Chapter 6 - 2

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Tissues Case Study Questions

Q1: What are case study questions for CBSE examinations?

A1: Case study questions in CBSE examinations typically involve scenarios or real-life examples, requiring students to apply their understanding of concepts to solve problems or analyze situations.

Q2: Why are case study questions important for understanding class 9 science chapters?

A2: Case study questions provide a practical context for students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations, fostering deeper understanding and critical thinking skills.

Q3: How should students approach answering case study questions for CBSE?

A3: Students should carefully read the case study, identify the key issues or problems presented, analyze the information provided, apply relevant concepts and principles of chemical reactions and equations, and formulate well-supported solutions or responses.

Q4: Are there any resources available online for students to practice case study questions on class 9 science chapters for CBSE exams?

A4: Yes, several educational websites offer case study questions for CBSE students preparing for science examinations. We also offer a collection of case study questions for all classes and subject on our website. Visit our website to access these questions and enhance your learning experience. If you need more case study questions for your preparation, then you visit Physics Gurukul website.

Q5: How can students effectively prepare for case study questions on “Tissues” for CBSE exams?

A5: Effective preparation strategies include regular revision of concepts, solving practice questions, analyzing case studies from previous exams, seeking clarification on doubts, and consulting with teachers or peers for guidance and support.

Q6: How can teachers incorporate case study questions on “Tissues” class 9 science into classroom teaching?

A6: Teachers can integrate case studies into lesson plans, group discussions, or interactive activities to engage students in active learning, promote problem-solving skills, and facilitate a deeper understanding of “Tissues”.

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Tissues Class 9 Case Study Questions Science Chapter 6