Understanding Marginalisation Class 8 Assertion Reason CBSE Political Science (Civics) Chapter 6

Reading Time: 9 minutes

Last Updated on February 22, 2025 by XAM CONTENT

Hello students, we are providing assertion reason questions for class 8 social science. Assertion reason questions are the new question format that is introduced in CBSE board. The resources for assertion reason questions are very less. So, to help students we have created chapterwise assertion reason questions for class 8 social science. In this article, you will find assertion reason questions for CBSE Class 8 Social Science Political Science Chapter 6 Understanding Marginalisation. It is a part of Assertion Reason Questions for CBSE Class 8 Social Science Series.

ChapterUnderstanding Marginalisation
Type of QuestionsAssertion Reason Questions
Nature of QuestionsCompetency Based Questions
SubjectSocial Science – Political Science (Civics)
Useful forClass 8 Studying Students
Answers providedYes
Difficulty levelMentioned
Important LinkClass 8 Social Science Chapterwise Assertion Reason

Understanding Marginalisation Class 8 Assertion Reason CBSE Political Science Chapter 6

Assertion Reason Questions:

Direction: For questions given below. In each question given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and reason (R). Mark as per the codes provided below.
(a) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is correct but R is wrong.
(d) R is correct but A is wrong.

Q. 1. Assertion (A): The Adivasis are displaced from their lands and lose their traditions.
Reason (R): Nowadays, forest lands are used for mining and other developmental projects.

Difficulty Level: Medium

Ans. Option (a) is correct answer
Explanation: The Adivasis are displaced from their lands, they lose their source of income and they also lose their traditions and customs. Their forest lands are used for mining, for setting refinery projects and many other activities

Q. 2. Assertion (A): Safeguards for minorities is needed in India.
Reason (R): Constitution is committed to protect India’s cultural diversity and promoting equality as well as justice.

Difficulty Level: Medium

Ans. Option (b) is correct answer
Explanation: Safeguards are needed to protect minority communities against the possibility of being culturally dominated by the majority. The Constitution provides these safeguards because it is committed to protecting India’s cultural diversity and promoting equality as well as justice.

Also check

Assertion Reason questions for other chapters of class 8 social science is given below.

We hope the given assertion reason questions for Understanding Marginalisation Class 8 helps you in your learning.

🚀 Boost Your Exam Prep: Get assertion reason questions for all subjects (Class 6-12) now!

Topics from which assertion reason questions may be asked

Here is a list of topics from which assertion reason questions may be asked.

  • Understand social and economic injustices.
  • Understand different forms of untouchability that continue to exist, the law on manual scavenging with reference to existing realities in rural and urban areas.
  • Learn about the communities which are put at the margins of economic and cultural development.

When a group of people or communities are excluded from the majority because of their language, customs, and religion, it is called Marginalisation.

Scheduled Tribes is the term used for Adivasis used by the Indian government in various official documents. Muslims are 13.4% of India’s population and are considered to be a marginalised community in India.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Understanding Marginalisation Class 8 Assertion Reason

Q1: What are Assertion-Reason questions?

A1: Assertion-Reason questions are a type of question format used in CBSE exams where two statements are provided: an Assertion (A) and a Reason (R). Students need to determine whether each statement is true or false and if the Reason correctly explains the Assertion.

Q2: How do Assertion-Reason questions differ from other question types?

A2: Unlike multiple-choice questions, Assertion-Reason questions require students to analyze the relationship between two statements. It’s not just about knowing the facts but understanding how they connect logically.

Q3: What steps should I follow to correctly answer Assertion-Reason questions?

A3: Follow these steps:
Read both statements carefully. Understand what each statement is saying.
Determine the truth value of each statement. Decide if each statement is true or false independently.
Analyze the relationship. If both statements are true, decide whether the Reason (R) correctly explains the Assertion (A).
Choose the correct option. Based on your analysis, select the appropriate answer from the given options.

Q4: What options are typically provided for Assertion-Reason questions?

A4: The typical options are:
A. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
B. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
C. A is true, but R is false.
D. A is false, but R is true.

Q5: What should I check to determine if the Reason correctly explains the Assertion?

A5: Ensure that the Reason provides a logical explanation for the Assertion. Check if the Reason directly addresses the cause or basis of the Assertion and if they are contextually linked.

Q6: How can I improve my skills in answering Assertion-Reason questions?

A6: Practice regularly with sample questions and past papers. Focus on understanding the concepts thoroughly rather than rote memorization. Analyzing how different facts and concepts interrelate will enhance your ability to correctly answer these questions.

Q7: What are common mistakes to avoid when answering Assertion-Reason questions?

A7: Common mistakes include:
Not reading the statements carefully and missing key details.
Assuming the Reason explains the Assertion without checking the logical connection.
Confusing the order or relationship between the statements.
Overthinking and adding information not provided in the question.

Q8: How important is contextual understanding in Assertion-Reason questions?

A8: Contextual understanding is crucial. It helps you determine whether the Reason accurately and logically explains the Assertion within the context of the subject matter.

Q9: What resources can help me practice Assertion-Reason questions?

A9: Use study guides specifically designed for Assertion-Reason questions. Online educational platforms and reference books for Class 8 Social Science also offer practice questions and explanations. xamcontent.com also provides assertion reason questions for cbse class 8 social science.

Q10: What are the important keywords for CBSE Class 8 Understanding Marginalisation?

A10: Important keywords for CBSE Class 8 Understanding Marginalisation are given below:
Ghettoisation: This refers to the process in which a region or an area is populated largely by persons of a particular community.
Adivasi: This refers to original inhabitants.
Hierarchy: A graded system or arrangement of people or things. Generally, people present at the bottom of the hierarchy have the least power. For example, the caste system is a hierarchal system and the Dalits are considered to be at the lowest end.
Displaced: In context of this chapter, this refers to persons who are forced to move from their homes for big developmental projects such as construction of dams, mining, etc.
Militarised: An area where there is a considerable number of armed forces.
Malnourished: A person who is deprived of adequate nutrition or food.
Mainstream: Persons or communities considered to be in the centre of society.
Marginalisation: This term refers to the condition in which a person or group of persons is deprived of several privileges or is/are treated as different from others.

Q11: What is Ghettoisation?

A11: Ghettoisation is the process which leads to a situation in which a particular area is populated by members of a particular community. This situation occurs due to different social, cultural and economic reasons. Fear or hostility may compel a community to group together, as they feel more secure living amongst their own.

Q12: Why are tribal communities poor?

A12: (i) By losing their lands and access to the forest, tribals lose their main sources of livelihood and food.
(ii) Most Adivasis have migrated to cities in search of work where they are employed at very low wages in local industries and at construction sites.
(iii) 45 percent of tribal groups in rural areas and 35 percent in urban areas live below the poverty line. This leads to their deprivation in other areas.
(iv) When Adivasis are displaced from their lands, they lose much more than a source of income.
(v) Many tribal children are malnourished. Literacy rate among the tribals is also very low.

Understanding Marginalisation Class 8 Assertion Reason CBSE Political Science (Civics) Chapter 6

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