From Hunting-Gathering to Growing Food Class 6 MCQ CBSE History Chapter 2

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Last Updated on March 20, 2024 by XAM CONTENT

Here you will find MCQ for CBSE Class 6 Social Science History Chapter 1 What, Where, How and When. It is a part of MCQ Questions for CBSE Class 6 Social Science Series.

From Hunting-Gathering to Growing Food Class 6 MCQ CBSE History Chapter 2 (PDF Download)

MCQ Questions

  1. Tracks of ash in the Kurnool caves indicate
    (a) use of fire
    (b) use of stone tools
    (c) rearing of animals
    (d) use of water.
  2. Stone tools were used to
    (a) dig the ground
    (b) cut meat and stone
    (c) shop fruits and bone
    (d) All of these
  3. Grassland led to an increase in
    (a) birds
    (b) human beings
    (c) animals that survive on grass
    (d) animals that lived in water
  4. When were the ruins used first?
    (a) 250 years ago
    (b) 150 years ago
    (c) 200 years ago
    (d) 300 years ago
  5. What did the finding of ash indicate?
    (a) Ice
    (b) Water
    (c) Fire
    (d) All of these
  6. In which state were the eggs of Ostrich found?
    (a) Delhi
    (b) Maharashtra
    (c) Noida
    (d) Madhya Pradesh
  7. What are the Mesolithic period?
    (a) 12,000-10,000 years ago
    (b) 6000-7000 years ago
    (c) 8000-9000 years ago
    (d) 7000-8000 years ago
  8. What type of food we get from plants.
    (a) Milk
    (b) Fruits, vegetables and grains
    (c) Meat
    (d) None of these.
  9. Select the animal for domestication.
    (a) Dog
    (b) Lion
    (c) Bear
    (d) Elephant
  10. Greins like wheat and barley have been found in
    (a) Hallur
    (b) Koldihwa
    (c) Mehrgrah
    (d) Mahagara


  1. (a)
  2. (d)
  3. (c)
  4. (b)
  5. (c)
  6. (b)
  7. (a)
  8. (b)
  9. (d)
  10. (d)

Topics from which mcq questions may be asked

  • Earliest poeple and places they live in
  • Fire and its uses
  • Names and Dates
  • Changing environment and beginning of farming and herding.
  • Domestication
  • Early farmers and herders
  • Settled life
  • Life in Mehrgarh

People who lived as early as two million years ago in the subcontinent are known as hunter-gatherers. They used to move from place to place due to many reasons. These are:

  1. Had they stayed at one place, they would have eaten up all the available resources. Thus, they have to move from one place to another in search of food.
  2. As animals keep moving from place to place in search of their prey or food, so, people who hunted animals had to follow their movements.
  3. Since plants and trees bear fruit in different seasons, people used to move accordingly.
  4. People who used to live near the banks of seasonal rivers had to go in search of water during dry seasons as water is the basic necessity to survive.

We hope the given MCQ questions for From Hunting-Gathering to Growing Food Class 6 helps you in your learning.

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